The Mid-Atlantic Marine Aquarists Society (MAMAS) would like to invite you to the 2014 Mid-Atlantic Marine Aquarium Expo (MAMAX) located in Virginia Beach, VA on October 18, 2014 from 10:00am-3:00pm. Previously named "The Fall Frag Fest", MAMAX has rebranded and grown since our first show. MAMAX is an opportunity for reef aquarists in the mid-atlantic region to come together for a day of saltwater hobby exposure, education, conversation, contests and family fun. With over 20 vendors from across the country, raffles and contests throughout the day, we have something for everyone.
General admission is just $5 and kids 12 and under are free. Limited quantities of VIP tickets will be available as well. VIP tickets get you in a full hour at 9am before general admission to meet vendors, cherry pick stock and pick up exclusive deals. You'll also get a t-shirt, MAMAS stickers, a magnet and 5 raffle tickets. VIP tickets are $35.
Remember, a portion of our proceeds will go to local environmental charities!